Bar Bricolage in depth

Last week, we had the pleasure of visiting Bar Bricolage in Ghent. Here they not only have a great place to relax, but also some epic walls!

And epic walls = epic murals. None other than artists Pso Man and Lobster Robin came along to unleash their magic!

In collaboration with Bar Bricolage, we look forward to kicking up some more dust in the coming months!

Technical info

Medium: Spraycan and brush
Size: 175m²
Visibility: Public
Street art graffiti mural muurschildering regio gent artist lobster robin psoman

About the

Lobster Robin (BE)

Street artist and fine art artist from Antwerp now living in Ghent, researching the individuals travel through life in a colourful and sometimes psychedelic way.

Lobster robin streetart graffiti artiest14